LEA ONE Live Class Hosting Options
LEA ONE offers two options for conducting live training in your training facility: Sponsored and Hosted.
- Sponsored – When you sponsor a LEA ONE course, we provide training in your training facility for up to 100 officers that you select. You control all of the seats. The cost is a flat rate of $2500. This is a very economical way to provide training to numerous officers or deputies.
- Hosted – When you host a LEA ONE course, we provide training in your training facility. The facility must seat at least 40 officers. You pay only $500 and get five free seats. We sell the remaining seats via the LEA ONE event manager. This is a practical way for smaller departments with a training room to train a smaller number of officers or deputies.
Email inquiries to comms@lea.agency or use our Contact Form
Live LEA ONE Course Offerings
Here are the full descriptions of the 2022 LEA ONE live courses:
The Legal Aspects of Warrantless Searches 2022
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This full day (8-hour) course is designed to provide in-depth instruction in the legal requirements for the judicially-recognized exceptions to the Fourth Amendment warrant requirement for government searches.
- Fourth Amendment Searches Refresher and Update
- Government Searches (Generally)
- Related to Plain View Warrantless Seizures
- Fourth Amendment Dominoes
- Terry Frisks
- People
- Containers
- Automobiles
- The Automobile Exception
- Consent Searches
- Actual Authority
- Joint Authority
- Apparent Authority
- Exigent Circumstances
- Destruction of Evidence
- Emergency Aid
- Crime Scene Issues
- Hot Pursuit
- Community Caretaking Doctrine
- Impounding a Vehicle
- Vehicle Inventory
- Checkpoint Searches
- Buie Protective Sweeps
- Automatic Sweep
- Extended Sweep
- Search Incident to Arrest
- Of a Person
- Of a Container
- Of a Vehicle
- Plain View Seizures
The Legal Aspects of Traffic Stops 2022
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Every year millions of dollars and tons of illegal drugs are seized while in transit. State and local law enforcement agencies are at the “tip of the spear” when it comes to drug transportation interdiction on the public roads in the United States. This full day (8-hour) advanced course covers the search and seizure law issues that are commonly presented in conducting criminal investigations of automobiles on public roads and highways.
- The legal basis for the initial stop
- Permissible inquiry during the stop
- Identification and control of passengers
- Extending a stop into an investigative detention
- Use of a K9 to establish probable cause
- Warrantless searches of automobiles
- Warrantless seizures of evidence and contraband
- Consent searches during a traffic stop
The Legal Aspects of the Use of Force 2022
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This full day (8-hour) course is designed to provide in-depth instruction in officer liability for the use of force.
- Civil Liability versus Criminal Liability
- Use of Force as a Federal Constitutional Law Issue
- Fourth Amendment – Garner and Graham
- Reasonableness
- Deadly Force
- Intermediate Force
- Basic Force
- 1983 Civil Liability and Defenses
- Qualified Immunity
- Duty to Intervene
- Duty to Render Aid
- Supervisor and Municipal Liability
- Failure to Train, Negligent Hiring, Negligent Retention
- Title 18 Criminal Liability and Defenses
- Fourth Amendment – Garner and Graham
- Use of Force as a State Constitutional Issue
- Use of Force as a State Tort Law
- Negligence
- Intentional Torts
- Use of Force as a Criminal Law Issue
- Federal Criminal Liability as Constitutional Issue
- State Criminal Liability as Statutory Issue
The Evolving Law of Government Searches 2022
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This full day (8-hour) course is designed to provide in-depth instruction on the development and current status and trends for search and seizure law under the Fourth Amendment. This course is advanced and is intended for those with a strong background in search and seizure law who want to take their knowledge to the next level.
- Historical Perspective
- Ohlmstead
- Weeks and Mapp
- Government Action
- K9 Searches
- Privacy Intrusion Searches
- Katz
- The Three Categories
- Physical Intrusion Searches
- Jones
- Jardines
- Mosaic Theory
- The Jones Concurrence
- Carpenter and the erosion of Third-Party Doctrine
- Video Surveillance
Premises Search Warrant Application and Execution 2022
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This full day (8-hour) course is designed to provide in-depth instruction in the application and execution of premises search warrants.
- Exclusionary Rule
- Premises Search Warrant Application
- Search Warrant Refresher
- Establishing Probable Cause
- Affidavit – The Probable Cause Triangle
- Premises Search Warrant Execution
- Knock and Announce
- The Use of Ruse for Entry
- Summers Detention
- Frisking Occupants
- Searching Occupants
- Scope of Search
- In the dwelling
- Outbuildings
- Automobiles
- Containers belonging to third-parties
- Plain View Seizures
Constitutional Policing
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Recent events have placed a spotlight on police practices, with many calling for enhanced training in Constitutional Policing. This full day (8-hour) course is designed to provide an introduction to the principles of Constitutional Law and Ethics that form the basis of Constitutional Policing.
- Introduction to Constitutional Policing
- Constitutional Law
- First Amendment Issues (Freedom of Speech and Press)
- Fourth Amendment Issues (Reasonable Searches and Seizures)
- Fifth Amendment Issues (Self-Incrimination and Due Process)
- Sixth Amendment Issues (Right to Counsel at Critical Stages)
- Fourteenth Amendment Issues (Equal Protection and Due Process)
- Constitutional Ethics
- Implicit Bias in Policing
- Professionalism
- Constitutional Guardianship
- Putting it all together
Interviews and Interrogations
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Interrogating suspects requires a special skill in order to obtain confessions and statements against interest. It also requires a thorough knowledge of the law in order to ensure any statements will not be suppressed. This full day (8-hour) course is designed to provide in-depth instruction in the legal requirements when conducting criminal interrogations and interviews to ensure confessions and statements against interest are admissible in criminal prosecutions.
- The purpose of the Miranda warnings
- Explaining when the requirement to provide Miranda warnings is triggered
- The legal requirements imposed when one or both rights are invoked
- Anticipatory Invocations
- Invocation by Third-Parties
- The legal requirements for a valid Miranda waiver
- The legal requirements for valid invocation of a Miranda right
- Derivative Evidence
- The interaction between the Fifth Amendment right to counsel and the Sixth Amendment right to counsel
The Legal Aspects of Dwelling Encounters 2022
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Since the fundamental definition of a Fourth Amendment search was drastically modified in the Supreme Court decision in United States v Jones in January 2012, there have been numerous follow-on decisions that have significantly changed the legal requirements for conducting criminal investigations on or near residential property. This advanced full day (8-hour) course covers all of these decisions and explains the legal issues presented by these decisions.
- Re-Defining Curtilage
- The impact of Florida v Jardines and other cases on the use of K9s to detect the presence of evidence on residential property
- Kyllo Devices
- The extension of Kyllo v United States to the use of K9s on residential property
- The legal requirements and limitations for “knock and talk” encounters
- Consent Searches
- Actual Authority
- Joint Ownership
- Visitors
- Apparent Authority
- Video Surveillance of Dwellings
- Effectuating an arrest in a dwelling
- Protective Sweeps
Electronic Surveillance and the Use of Gizmos 2022
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Constitutional Law is a constantly evolving area of the law and Fourth Amendment law is no exception. Typically, the law lags technology. This means that new devices are used and then courts must determine the relationship, if any, between the use of these devices and the Fourth Amendment. Technological advancements in the 21st century, combined with the more recent shifting judicial definitions of what constitutes a “search” under the Fourth Amendment, have left a great deal of uncertainty as to not only the current state of search and seizure law, but also the direction in which this jurisprudence is trending. The purpose of this advanced full day (8-hour) course is to explain the changes that have taken place and provide insight as to the direction these changes are trending as it relates to law enforcement actions and activities.
- Intercepting Communications
- Oral Communications
- Wire Communications
- Electronic Communications
- Intercepting Communication Addressing and Identification Information
- Internet Based Information
- Cell Phone Information
- Accessing Stored Communications
- Tracking People and Objects
- Conducting Video Surveillance
- K-9s as Gizmos
Report Writing and Courtroom Testimony
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This full day (8-hour) course is designed to provide in-depth instruction in the drafting warrant affidavits, preparing incident reports, and testifying in criminal proceedings.
The goal of the Advanced Report Writing portion of this course is to teach experienced police officers solid fundamentals that will help them write search warrant affidavits and defensible police reports. Additionally, officers need the skills to write a report that will allow prosecutors to charge defendants without asking for follow-up information. A solid report will also allow other officers in the department to pick up the investigation where the report writer left off. This is especially important for complex investigations that are handed over to detectives by patrol officers.
This goal of the Courtroom Testimony portion of this course is to help law enforcement officers effectively prepare and deliver effective courtroom testimony and reduce impeachment vulnerability by explaining the implications of the use of social media by law enforcement officers. In many cases, the testimony of the law enforcement officer is absolutely crucial to obtain a conviction. Law enforcement officers need to know how to be fully prepared to not only answer the direct questions asked by the prosecutor, but also answer the cross-examination questions by the defense attorney and know how to respond to impeachment attempts.
- Search Warrant Affidavit Preparation
- Preparing Incident Reports
- Courtroom Testimony
- Pre-Trial Hearings
- Direct Examination
- Cross-Examination
- Officer Impeachment