Legal Aspects of Traffic Stops
FORT COLLINS, COLORADO Fri, August 21, 2020 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM MDT
This challenging full-day 8-hour course is designed for patrol officers who already possess a background knowledge and functional experience in search and seizure law. This highly-interactive instruction is advanced and fast-paced and uses case studies to explain the development and the current status of the legal aspects of traffic stops.
Topics Covered:
1. A refresher and update in search and seizure law relating directly to traffic stops.
2. Establishing the legal basis for making the stop initially.
3. The implications of conducting the traffic stop after Rodriguez v. United States.
4. The legal basis for controlling the driver and passengers during the traffic stop.
5. Legally permissible inquiries during the traffic stop.
6. Extending a traffic stop to conduct a criminal investigation.
7. The use of K9s to conduct “sniffs” on a vehicle.
8. Getting to probable cause.
9. Determining the point at which Miranda warning are required.