The Legal Aspects of Traffic Stops 2020 – ONLINE HYBRID

This course is an online hybrid version of the LEA ONE course on The Legal Aspects of Traffic Stops.  This is a hybrid course that is taught totally online through two online modalities.  The virtual classroom space is on the LEARN BLUE learning management system.

COURSE ADMISSION: The admission is a “rolling admission” and learners can enroll and start at any time during the month!  Once enrolled, the learners have up to 90 days to progress through all lessons and complete the course requirements.

COURSE OBJECTIVE:  Upon the successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to apply the Fourth Amendment caselaw establishing the legal requirements and restrictions applicable when conducting criminal investigations during traffic stops.

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  This hybrid course combines live online instruction via a virtual classroom space combined with online case studies and an assessment for certification. The course is completed in three phases.

Phase 1 – The learner will complete the first five lessons (Lessons 1-5) consisting of 5 hours of on-demand training through interactive e-learning modules.

Phase 2 – The learner will select a 2-hour live online instructor-led session of Lesson 6. In this lesson, the instructor will put all of the information together and present recent case summaries as well as answer questions directly from the class. There is a live sessions scheduled every week.

Phase 3 – The learner will then be required to complete a multiple-choice exam to successfully complete the course. Learners must complete the exam within 1 hour and achieve a score of 80% or greater to pass the course and obtain certification.  If a student does not achieve the required minimum score, they will be provided with one-on-one remediation by the instructor given one re-test opportunity.

REGISTRATION – The cost of this hybrid course is only $99.  Registration can be made through one of two methods:

INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS BY CREDIT CARD:  Click the REGISTER button on this page. Payment is made by credit card via the LEARN BLUE secure payment gateway.

INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS BY INVOICE:  Training Managers can enroll individuals or groups through an invoice by emailing us at  Please indicate the course number LATS2020 when requesting enrollment information/invoicing.


May 30 - 31 2020

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